Do you ever feel like you continue to do the same thing over and over again and continue to get the same results? Have you set a goal for yourself and fallen short? Have you gotten back up? Have you tried again? What about again? And again? And again? Have you quit?
These questions aren’t meant to be rhetorical. We need to ask ourselves them to understand whether we demonstrate grit during hard times or whether we crumble in the face adversity.
I am writing this blog post during a very tumultuous time; likely, one of the most tumultuous times that many of us have ever had to face (from a global standpoint). No matter who you are or where you are located, you have been forced to change many things about your life. Work has transformed into an at-home-activity, some of us are no longer employed, others are finding it hard to stay disciplined with what were once successful fitness and nutrition routines; we have parents teaching and working from home, families spending significantly more time together, and our plans for the weeks and months past, and the year ahead are unclear. If we were to close our eyes and visualize what the future has in store for us, a large question mark would likely appear.
Doubt and uncertainty are all around us. That is a fact. These feelings of doubt and uncertainty are the same feelings we feel when we fall short of a goal. We question “can I do this”? We ask ourselves “will I try again”? If they are the same feelings, then our response to these feelings during these times of uncertainty will be the same.
If you fall into the category of “falling down seven times, getting back up eight”, then keep doing that. Keep getting up. The challenges that you are facing at home will continue to come at you. Use the same determination you use when going after your goals to get through these challenging times. Adapt your strategies. Set boundaries. Keep trying, just like you do.
If you fall into the category of “I quit”, we have an opportunity to do some real self-work here. Why do you quit? What makes you believe that your efforts are not worth putting forward? We don’t have that option right now. This is a “no quit” period of time. We owe it to ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us to keep fighting through the challenges.
Life requires your relentless pursuit of “x” and “x” is whatever you choose it to be. Right now, that may be getting through your day as a parent. It may be hitting your work goals or figuring out your new fitness and nutrition plan. It may be looking for that new job or figuring out your next foot forward. No matter the pursuit, keep moving. A good friend and mentor of mine would describe this as having tenacity. The great thing about tenacity is that it is just as much of a skill as it is a choice. Are you choosing to fight or to quit? Are you choosing to get back up?
Whatever your “x” is, choose to relentlessly pursue it with the tenacity that you can find within yourself.
You can do it. Never Give Up.